Searching for the answer...

The little thoughts that float through my head on a regular basis....oh, come on! You know you were thinkin' the same thing!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Luis and I took a trip to Lipari with a few of our friends a couple of weekends ago. Lipari is a little island north of Sicily in the Mediterranian Sea. We had a nice time although the trip was pretty long getting there and coming home. We had to drive to the North side of the island and then take a ferry across. The ferry alone took about an hour and on the way there we had to wait two hours for the ferry because the one we wanted to get on had sold out. We also were able to rent a boat so the guys were able to get a little fishing in and swim. The weather was cold and I would have liked to go more towards the summer but with Lilliana on the way, that just wasn't possible. Being 32 weeks pregnant at the time, I was uncomfortable to say the least. But overall the trip was good and I'm glad we went!


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