There are a lot of rocky moments and bumpy roads in the first year. I had heard this before and boy, they weren't kidding. It takes a lot of work and responsibility and dedication to eachother and to the relationship and marriage itself to make it work. There are times when you want to walk out and times when you want to cry; and there are times that make you smile and times you are so happy you feel like you can't control yourself. There are a lot of times you share together that make you grow and change as individuals and as a couple. Married life is definately different, a challenge I have to say. Wow, a lot has happened since Luis and I started dating
Today is our one year anniversary. I can't believe it has been a year already since we were married. It doesn't feel that way at all, but when I look around I can see the slow progression of our life together.One more piece of furniture here, one more lamp there, one more car (since I keep wrecking them), and now, in a few days, a college degree. Wow, a lot has happened since Luis and I started dating three years ago.