Searching for the answer...

The little thoughts that float through my head on a regular basis....oh, come on! You know you were thinkin' the same thing!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

We've been adopted!

The neighborhood cat has officially adopted Luis and me as her new family. She sleeps in our yard and guards it as if it is her very own. Every morning she is at the door as we leave for work and every night she is there when we get home from work. Sometimes she sleeps in our storage shed. She is a really sweet cat and outdoors all the time so no extra cat pan detail is involved. I think that is the only reason we are okay with it. :o)

Another Car

We finally got another car and after a week of it being in the shop it is finally running. We bought it a few weeks ago from one of Luis' co-workers and it died on us the same day. So after a weeks worth of work and almost $2000, half of the engine is now brand new and the only thing left to break is the transmission. Keep your fingers crossed. :o) This one needs to last three years!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Graduation Count Down - 5 days to go!!!

Wow, graduation is right around the corner and why do I still have so much more work to do?! How is that possible? I am still waiting for my Marketing professor from last term to grade some of my assignments and I have about 4 more assignments due this week. I'm hoping to pull some pretty high honors out of this degree. Wish me luck! I've been busting my tail for almost two years now trying to finish. Oh what a relief it will be when the 23rd is here and I can breathe again..well, at least for a week and a half since I still have four more classes to finish my second degree. Then I am taking a break from school and focusing on work and getting some good experience in my chosen field. Maybe now I can have a lot more fun over here in Europe since I won't have so much work to do anymore. :o)

Happy Anniversary

There are a lot of rocky moments and bumpy roads in the first year. I had heard this before and boy, they weren't kidding. It takes a lot of work and responsibility and dedication to eachother and to the relationship and marriage itself to make it work. There are times when you want to walk out and times when you want to cry; and there are times that make you smile and times you are so happy you feel like you can't control yourself. There are a lot of times you share together that make you grow and change as individuals and as a couple. Married life is definately different, a challenge I have to say. Wow, a lot has happened since Luis and I started dating
Today is our one year anniversary. I can't believe it has been a year already since we were married. It doesn't feel that way at all, but when I look around I can see the slow progression of our life together.One more piece of furniture here, one more lamp there, one more car (since I keep wrecking them), and now, in a few days, a college degree. Wow, a lot has happened since Luis and I started dating three years ago.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Car Accident

Okay, for those of you that haven't heard, I got in a pretty bad car accident about a month back. Stupid Italians....I mean that nicely. :o) I was driving to work and came around a bend and a car was sitting in the road a little way break lights, no turn signal, not moving...just chilling like a big rock in the road. It was too far to the right to go around it in my lane and there was oncoming traffic in the opposite lane so with not enough time to stop I took the lesser of the two evils. I hit my break and swerved right....stupid Italian. Who just stops in the middle of a highway?! Someone said he had stopped to make a cell phone call and someone else said he stopped to turn...turn where I don't know as there was no where to turn into. Why wasn't he pulled over on the side of the road instead of in the middle of it!?!?! That's what I wanna know. Aren't the schools suppossed to be better here? Everyone I meet is so ignorant! So anyway, car is totaled. :o( Ankles was a splint for about three weeks. :o( Glass shards still working their way out of my arm, back and neck. :o( Aughhhhhh!!! Is this really happening??? :oP