Searching for the answer...

The little thoughts that float through my head on a regular basis....oh, come on! You know you were thinkin' the same thing!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Krystal's Wedding

She's married! Yea! :o) A lot of weddings this month. She was beautiful, of course! The reception was at Newport News Park at Deer Run Grille. We had to haul over there right after we got off the plane from New York because our flight got messed up and we actually missed the wedding. :o( I am still upset about that! Our plane didn't land until about 6:30 PM! We were suppossed to get home by 12:30 PM....needless to say we got to spend an extensive amount of time at the airport. Still, at least we made it there before they left. :o) For that I am definately grateful.


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