Searching for the answer...

The little thoughts that float through my head on a regular basis....oh, come on! You know you were thinkin' the same thing!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Licking Stamps?

My significant other, who will remain nameless for the purpose of avoiding embarrassment , did the funniest thing the other day. I had gone to the post office and purchased stamps earlier in the week, the flag stamps that go on like a sticker, the kind you don't have to lick. We were sitting on the couch in the living room, writing out checks and paying the bills that never seem to end. I asked him to go to the kitchen and put stamps on each of the envelopes so that we could send them out. He was taking longer than I would have expected, so I went into the kitchen to see if he was raiding the fridge. To my surprise the envelopes were sitting on the kitchen counter and he was taking each stamp off and licking the back before attaching it to the envelope, and making a terrible face each time. I couldn't stop laughing. I think I laughed for a good thirty minutes. How cute is that?!


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